

This is the website which is made for Vedic Astrology by us.  Avikalachakra aims at providing solution to all complex problems using Hindu Astrology, Gems and Puja. Astrology, Gemmology and Puja are inseparable systems of Hindu Predictive System. Hindu astrology is a kind of Diagnosis system which predict the cause of problem. The relief to a native can be possible either through GEMS or mantras depending on the severity of problem.

Avikalachakra also aims at connecting Astrology with Spirituality and realising the Hidden Potential of a Native. The Best and easiest way to energise the hidden powers is ‘Meditation’. Meditation is a step towards realising self and begin the Journey towards Spirituality and Moksha. Therefore a separate section is devoted to understand the complexity of Meditation. It is our endeavour here to bring out Hindu systems which can help in living a Healthy, Happy and Stress Free life.

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