Which of the social media platform is better for your business?

In today’s world social media is one of the best platform. If you want to target your product to the market than social media is the best mode for it. Lets see which all Social Media Platform will make your business better? First know about your ideas.
Who is your Target Audience?
Most of the people in Social Media Sites and App are joining this platform for friends, family, fan etc. Here you will get number of people and from them you need to make your audience. For this you have to showcase your product in such a way that you get to know who will be your target audience? If you want to target businessman than you have to target the business related people. Like this you will get different group of audience in social media channel.
Process to Communicate
There are three basic step of Marketing in Social Media Platform by which you can share your thoughts to you audience. Lets see which all process we call follow ?
1. TEXT :- This is the easiest form of marketing your product online to your audience through text marketing. This can be done by updating the details of product on Twitter or Facebook.
2. IMAGES :- This is also the best way to share your product to your Target audience by clicking the picture of your product and update it online to different social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Printerest etc. This concept is used mostly now a days to let your customer know about your products.
3. VIDEOS :- If you want to describe your product through video than you can upload it Youtube, Facebook Etc. There is option recently added to Go Live in these platforms.
For product marketing, Twitter is one of the best platform. The best reason to use this for marketing is that you can target your Competitors very well. By using Twitter you can do marketing of your product worldwide. Most of the company resolve there customer’s issue using twitter only. You can also use twitter as Customer Care contact. Recently when JIO was launched and so many calls came to them on there Customer Care than they were not able to handle all calls on time, so they used Twitter to handle their Customers problems. To this you can tweet upto 140 character.
If we talk about the Social Media App that Instagram is one the most popular platform as well. You can do marketing on this same as facebook but you can upload only one minute videos on this. This is one the best platform for marketing your product for Food, Art, Travels, Fashion, Photography etc. Today’s youth is most of the user of Instagram. Editors and Filter are so unique of Instagram that photos uploaded to this is of very good quality.
Facebook is most of the popular social media platform, it has most of the audience network. If you are at the starting point of your business than Facebook is the best platform for you. In this you can post images, videos, text, link etc. Here you will also get the option to do Live Telecast for your Product launch, events, by this you can share it with your Audience .
This is the professional Social Media Platform. Here you will get most of the expert Businessman, CEO, Founders, Manager etc. You can list your Business to this in you want. Here you will get the experts by which you will get lot of support in your Business Growth. If Anytime you need any Employee for your business than here you will get number of employees.
Youtube is one of the biggest video sharing network in the world. Incase you want to showcase your product through video than this is the best way. Sometime the product is reached to the customer but they don’t know how to use it, in the case companies upload their videos related to how to use there particular product. Some people upload Product Review videos on Youtube by which customer see and than buy it.
This is the platform by which you can showcase your product visually to your Audience. In Pinterest you have to make a boards according to your product categories and than in that board you can pin your product images through your Website. You can add number of product pin in a board. When any user will click on your product image on pinterest, than he or she will be directed to your website.
Google+ is also a Social Media Platform by Google. If you want list your business to Google properly than make your account on this as well. Update your product time to time here, this will make your ranking good in SEO. By joining different accounts of Google like Google Business, Google+, Google Map etc makes your business impression good. Incase you have listed your business in Social Media than updated it regularly and also take review from your customer, this will make your customer and business relationship good. Also keep one thing in mind, in social media you will get people you will try decrease your Business Image. They can post unwanted comments on your posts Which will in term can harm your Business. Beware of these kinds of people and block them immediately.
I hope this post will be helpful for you and your business. In case you have any question in your mind then you can comment and if you like our post than please do share it.
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