IoT(Internet of Things): Impacting Mobile App Development

Now a day’s everyone needs a smooth life. They don’t have time to do everything manually and this turned us into automation. People are finding their substitute which can do their work to make their life easy in one or the other way. The primary benefits of automation are cost reduction, productivity, availability, reliability, Save time and performance.
“If you are connected to anything you will be connected”
This phrase is absolutely correct in today’s world where internet of things aka IoT is connecting billions of things together, be it people with people, people with things or things with things. Right from smartphones and smart cars to smart houses and even smart cities, IoT is connecting the world together and transforming it into a smarter digitized village. Innovators and creative heads of all business verticals have tapped into this technology to design and develop solutions, products and services that facilitate the idea of a powerfully connected world. But only a few have made as much use of IoT as the mobile app developers have. They have fully exploited the ubiquity of IoT in mobile app development technology to tap on new audiences and cater to the increasing demands of the tech-savvy generation. The hard work done by these app developers has fueled mobile applications with the power of IoT and offered the convenience of controlling the devices in the homes through apps installed on the smartphone, one step ahead of staying connected.
All in all, IoT has changed the face of mobile app development and is offering seamless connectivity to the world through the apps present in the smartphones or tablets. It has revolutionized mobile app development and the impact is clearly visible in every sphere. Here, we will discuss the impact of IoT on mobile app development, but first, let’s understand what internet of things is and its role in mobile application development.
Understanding Internet Of Things
IoT aka internet of things is a futuristic technology connecting devices with each other through the internet. Right from the cell phones and the cars to the gadgets in the home and even the entire city, everything is becoming connected and smart because of IoT. The first traces of IoT lead back to 1999 and it has grown exponentially ever since. The growth report for IoT, by Gartner, even suggests that there would be more than 26 billion connected things on earth by the end of the year 2020. From smartphones and smart houses to smart cities, IoT is making everything smarter by connecting them to the internet.
Why IoT In Mobile Apps?
The internet of things is transforming the way businesses interact with their target audience. It is not just collecting the data of the users but also analyzing it in real time for a more personalized user experience. The use of mobile apps has increased over the past few years and now customers are using their smartphone apps for various day-to-day chores. IoT in mobile apps would empower the businesses to offer a more personalized user experience to the audience while also promising obvious benefits to the marketers. Be it the healthcare industry, the automotive industry or the industry for everyday appliances, new IoT mobile apps are the future and jumping on the IoT bandwagon would help the businesses gain an edge over their competitors.
Empowering Innovative Business Ideas
The internet of things is opening new opportunities to various businesses for their app development. It won’t be long before we see new innovative apps rolling out in the online playfield. Take the example of Uber; the innovative idea of connective people on the move with their cabs around them could not have been possible without the internet of things. Many new business ideas, like that of Uber, FitBit, would surface in coming times because of this advanced technology. Mobile app developers have understood that mobile users love being connected with their devices even when on the move through their smartphones and new apps, leveraging this technology would not be a far-future.
Increased Security
According to a Ponemon Institute’s 2017 survey, 79% people consider mobile apps to be a threat to the existing security in the online ecosystem. With IoT being ubiquitous with mobile app development, the security threat would soon be weakened as it would improve the overall defence barriers of mobile apps. The physical devices would just be the first entry point for mobile app development, and other remaining four tiers of mobile app development would strengthen the security of the app. Through data encryption and increased protection, IoT would ensure that the data it collects from the customers remain safe and secure from any potential security threat.
Five-Tier Development of Mobile Apps
A big impact of the internet of things on mobile app development is that this new technology would segregate the entire development of mobile apps into a five-tier process. All the five tiers would need to be worked cohesively to develop an amazingly connected mobile app. A departure from the traditional mobile app development is on the cards and new five-tier development would be seen. The five tiers would be a device, gateway, data, analytics, and application. Every stage of development needs keen focus to ensure that the applications turn out to be perfectly connected to the internet and each other.
Real-Time Data Analysis For Personalized Services
Uber is once again the best example of mobile apps that analyzes real-time data of its customers to offer personalized services. It collects the real-time location of the user and shows rides near the location and connects with the drivers in no time. Unlike other apps, websites and web apps collecting user data over time for personalized services, internet of things would fuel the mobile app development in coming times to analyze the real-time data of the customers and offer instantaneous service. Nothing can analyze data better than internet of things and analyze it on the spot.
Connected things would become future of mobile app development and most of the businesses would jump on the IoT bandwagon to fetch lucrative outputs. Applications connecting the smartphones to smart devices would become essential for the businesses to maintain a competitive edge. Businesses can join hands with the reckoned mobile app development companies in India to get a connected mobile app that would fit right into their business model.
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